About Tanny

Surfing and Tanning in Jacksonville Beach

Call me “Mr. All-Natural Suntan”.

Or call me the Tan-Man

Oh wait, there’s already someone out there known as the “Tan-Man”.

Scratch that then, it doesn’t matter what you call me.  As long as you have an appreciation for bronzed, beautiful skin, done the right way, call me whatever you want.

Well it should involve the word “tan” at the very least but that’s not too much to ask, is it?

A great man once told Tanny, “with great power, comes great responsibility.”  I believe that man was Spiderman…or was it Uncle Ben from the Spiderman comic?  Tanny isn’t sure at this point anymore, but he is sure of one thing.  He has a natural (and somewhat inexplicable gift) for developing a glorious, bronze-gold suntan just from spending time in the great outdoors.

You see, Tanny wasn’t born extremely tan.  He worked his way into the paradigm of “TAN-liness” that you see before you today, studying the mystical hybrid of art and science that is tanning in some of the world’s foremost suntan centers.  Tanny hustled.  Tanny grinded for his suntan.

Most importantly, Tanny did it the right way, the natural way, using only good old fashioned sunshine and a vision of a world united by tanning.  Tanny has never used a performance “enTANcing” device such as a tanning bed.  Tanny tans the responsible way, leveraging sunscreen and protective clothing to develop his sun-armor over time.  Tanny knows the best way to get a tan is to avoid sunburns and excessive sun exposure along the way.  Tanny knows that the dangers of skin cancer are real.  Tanny lost his uncle to skin cancer.  Tanny wants to make sure that you and your loved ones avoid a similar fate, while still enjoying time outside.  

Enough with the serious stuff, check out a few photos of Tanny being tan below!

Suntanning in Cape Canaveral, Florida
Tanning in the Florida Keys
Surfing and Tanning in Jacksonville Beach

Tanny hopes that you’ll read what he has to say and learn a little about taking the right precautions for when you’re out in the sun.  Of course, Tanny also wants you to develop an awesome suntan.

Hopefully you laugh a lot along the way too.  If you feel like emailing me, drop me a line at tannymangino@gmail.com


Tanny Mangino

*Legal Disclaimer:  Tanny Mangino is not a dermatologist or other licensed medical professional.  However, if Tanny was a medical professional, he definitely would be one of the tannest medical professionals on the planet.  All information, products, etc. on this site represent the opinion of Tanny Mangino and should not be considered as medical in nature.

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