Goddess Garden Sunscreen Review Summary:
It’s been a minute since Tanny Tanielson, aka Tanny Mangino, has been on his sunscreen review grind. That’s about to end though with this Goddess Garden sunscreen review for the Organic Everyday SPF 30 version. Hold your horses for a minute! You may have noticed that Tanny is neither a garden nor a goddess. Luckily, my wife Bailee was around to help with the testing. So now I at least have the goddess portion covered. If only I could find an assortment of plants (a garden) to test on as well! Whoa!!!
Goddess Garden Organic Everyday SPF 30 Sunscreen is an average product that provides limited protection. Since this sunscreen is an organic, mineral-based protectant, this is partially to be expected. None of the wondrous chemicals that man hath created will be doing the protection here. Instead, the heavy lifting needed to protect you against harmful UVA and UVB rays will be coming from minerals provided by Gaia herself (another name for Earth). This sunscreen is also considered “reef-safe” with zinc oxide as the primary mineral used for protection. So, rest assured vegans, hippies, and the entire state of California, Goddess Garden just might be the sunscreen you’ve been dreaming of.
Overall Rating: 2/4 Tan Thumbs Up (not an average) Use this link to purchase Goddess Garden Organic Everyday SPF 30 on Walmart.com

Goddess Garden Organic Everyday SPF 30 Sunscreen Detailed Review:
Protection (2/4):
Goddess Garden provides average protection overall. In my testing, this sunscreen performed better when abiding by the rule to apply at least 30 minutes before sun exposure. We tested the sunscreen on the sun-soaked island of Santa Catalina, off the coast of Southern California. The sunscreen provided adequate protection for a limited duration, without significant burning of the skin. Goddess Garden Everyday SPF 30 is water resistant for up to 80 minutes. I can also attest that this sunscreen is sweat resistant since my FAT GUT was a veritable sweat pit, but the sunscreen stayed on the entire time of our hike.
Application (2/4):
Goddess Garden Sunscreen loses a significant amount of points in the application department. Upon application, a noticeable white film appeared on Tanny’s luminous, bronzed skin. The people of Santa Catalina became enraged that Tanny’s skin had been blasphemed by the Goddess Garden’s vile, pasty touch. Tanny descended from upon the mountain like a modern-day version of Apollo to assuage the anger of the island’s residents. Tanny then proclaimed, “Be comforted children of Zeus! The white film visible upon the perfectly-bronzed shell of my spirit is a sign of the Earth, and thus should be celebrated. For you see my brothers and sisters, this cream represents a cosmic trade-off between appearance and authenticity. No longer must you douse your dermis with chemicals produced in the laboratory of man.”
The citizens of Catalina began to understand, and their anger relented. They understood that the benefits of an organic sunscreen that didn’t perfectly blend in with your skin might outweigh the costs of applying a traditional, chemical crammed cream. One thing I did notice that helps the sunscreen blend more effectively is early application (more than 30 minutes before outdoor exposure) and additional time spent rubbing the sunscreen into your skin.
Affordability (3/4):
The second you see the word “organic” on something, you already know it can’t rank that high in the “affordability” category. Heck, Tanny avoids the organic section in the grocery store like it’s filled with kryptonite. You see, I love me some SWEET SWEET GMO’s!!! “Better living through science,” is what Tanny always says. Sure, that burger may have come from a cow that looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger and that orange may be as big as a basketball, but do you see how big kids are these days? Those GMO’s must be doing something right! Anyways, since organic is in another class, I will only rank Goddess Garden against its other organic competitors. With a price of ~$10 for 6 ounces, Goddess Garden Organic Everyday SPF 30 Sunscreen ranks favorably against competitors.
Active Ingredients: Zinc Oxide 20.0%
*Legal Disclaimer: Tanny Mangino is not a dermatologist or other licensed medical professional. However, if Tanny was a medical professional, he definitely would be one of the tannest medical professionals on the planet. All information, products, etc. on this site represent the opinion of Tanny Mangino and should not be considered as medical in nature.