Sweat Yourself to a Great Suntan
Hey there future tan person, it’s Tanny Mangino here with another tip for helping you get a great suntan! Are you grossed out by sweat? Do you think that all sweat is good for is to make you stink? Well if you answered ‘yes’ to either question, it might be time for you to rethink your position on the topic.
What if I told you that a good sweat was a key component in Tanny’s radiant, all-natural suntan? Would you be surprised? Science has proven that open bodies of water (along with snow, ice, and sand) reflect additional sunlight, causing skin to burn faster, but what about sweat? Could those salty, little water droplets on your skin be your tan’s best friend?
Scientific Evidence!?
While experiments on the topic have been rather limited, Tanny has all the evidence he needs to render the hypothesis that sweating makes you tanner 100% valid. Just look at old Tanny to see the truth right in front of you! Gaze in awe at the enchanting glisten that a healthy layer of perspiration can lend to your skin!
For more evidence, just look at all these other sweaty, tan people. That’s not correlation folks, that’s causation, and you’ll learn more about these principles when we discuss “tanalytics”. That’s like analytics for tanning, but more on that later.
All jokes aside, some research by the “New Phytologist” has been done on the conditions under which water droplets on leaves can cause sunburn. While it appears that water droplets can cause sunburns on plant leaves, the jury is still out on humans it appears.
The secret to sweats effect on your suntan isn’t in the physics my friends, it’s in the action. Where are the two places you sweat the most? While Tanny once had a friend that would sweat profusely while he would eat, most normal people would say, either “outside” or “at the gym”.
Additional Benefits of Sweating & Suntanning
It’s simple math, just like the Jackson 5 once sang, “A-B-C, it’s as easy as 1-2-3.” So find more reasons to workout outside and you’ll sweat yourself into a phenomenal suntan in no time. Just to clarify, a good suntanning workout does not consist of laying out, which only burns about 50 calories in an hour. Consider running (shirtless), biking (shirtless), playing soccer or volleyball (shirtless). The list of outdoor activities goes on and on. Remember, a slender suntan is better than a husky one, although a husky suntan is preferable to none at all! So get outside, get active, and you’ll be singing a little bit different of a tune in no time!
And that tune goes a little something like this:
“Get SWEATY, you’ll be more like TANNY”
One final note before you go racing outside. Don’t forget to apply sweat resistant sunscreen before your workout or you could end up looking like “Clifford the Big Red Dog” instead of an actor in “Baywatch.”
Don’t forget about all the other benefits a good sweat can have for you, including helping you detoxify, boosting your immune system, and just making you happier overall.
Tanny Mangino
P.S. Take a quick look at French Prime Minister Manuel Valls getting his sweat on. I mean, even when you soak your shirt through, it helps to be a little bit tan!

Whoa! I’m the prime minister of France and i’m sweating like a beast!
Wonder if the French PM is sweating like that ‘cos he just found out
the Mooselims are coming for him next?