Tanny Mangino, Protector of Pokémon & People!
Hey there Pokémaniacs, it’s Tanny Mangino here with a special suntanning tip for all those players out there trying to prevent Pokémon GO sunburns. You see, Tanny is a day one Pokéfan. When it came down to choosing Red version or Blue version, he choose Blue. Luckily Nintendo understood that there was a vast untapped market of tan individuals looking for a color variant closer to their radiant skin tone, and thus Yellow edition (and later Gold edition) were released.
Yeah yeah, i know some people may say that the yellow edition is for Pikachu, but I know the truth. It was actually the special “Tan-Man” edition. Just check the box art below and tell me I’m wrong!

Pokémon Tan-Man Edition, the best edition!
Pokémon GO Sunburns: They’re Real
Alright, enough of old Tanny’s revisionist history of the Pokémon games. We’re here today to talk about how to prevent Pokémon GO sunburns . If you’re thinking, “Tanny, you’re crazy! How can Pokémon GO give me a sunburn?” just check out Reddit and you’ll already see more than a few examples like the one in the image below. Even People magazine is talking about all of the perils of Pokémon GO, including sunburns.

A Pokémon GO player with a heinous forearm sunburn!
Tips to Prevent Pokémon GO Sunburns
Luckily the list of rules you should follow while playing Pokémon GO isn’t as long as my Pokédex.
You already been knowin’ that Tanny Mangino done CAUGHT ‘EM ALL.
So think of the suntanning tips below like you would about the three starting Pokémon you would choose at the beginning any Pokémon game . They might not seem like much at first, but each one will help you evolve into the suntanning master you were meant to become!
1. Limit Your Time Outdoors:
This tip should be obvious, but if you didn’t spend a bunch of time outdoors before Pokémon GO came out, then you should probably limit the amount of time you spend in the sun now. I’m going to introduce a very scientific test here called the “Misty or Brock Test”. This test is 100% proven to help you figure out how much time you should be spending outdoors.
Look at the photos of Misty and Brock, below. Which one does your skin look most like?
Alright, done? So which character do you look most like? If your answer was “Misty”, then you should limit yourself to an hour or two outdoors at the maximum playing Pokémon GO. You should also pay particular attention to tips two and three as well, especially if you want to spend more time outdoors.
If your answer was “Brock”, then it’s probably not a huge deal if you spend a little more time outdoors playing Pokémon GO. The great giver of light has been kind to bequeath you some natural sun-armor, also known as a “suntan”. Even though you’re tan already, you should still pay attention to tips two and three if spending any significant time outdoors.
2. Apply Sunscreen
Regardless of your “Misty or Brock Test” results, you should apply sunscreen before heading outdoors to catch Pokémon. Think of sunscreen as the human version of the Pokémon move “reflect.” While it may not be as cool, it’s definitely just as important.

If only putting sunscreen on looked this cool!
Make sure to apply to any areas being exposed to the sun. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends an SPF 30 sunscreen. Make sure to apply at least 15 minutes before going outside. Reapply every few hours as well as after sweating or swimming.
3. Wear Protective Clothing
Finally, you should consider wearing protective clothing, especially if you look more like Misty than Brock. So don’t feel like a dork even if you have to wear a long-sleeve shirt or carry an umbrella in the middle of summer. When I wear my protective sun clothing, it’s like putting on the strongest sun-armor known to man. Take Tanny Mangino’s flawless, dark gold-brown tan, throw on a Columbia Performance Fishing Gear shirt, and you’ve got a recipe for a good time, and a great suntan, guaranteed.
Some pokéfans might even liken the feeling to a “mega-evolution”. Now if only they had “bronze-type” Pokémon instead of “steel-type”…
Check out some recommended sun-shirts and Pokémon themed umbrellas below for great sun protection:
Pokemon Long Sleeve Shirts
Pokemon Umbrellas
Now that you know how to prevent Pokémon GO sunburns, get out there and catch ‘em all!
Tan Responsibly,