Información del Hombre más Bronceado del Mundo!!!
Whoa, you didn’t know that Tanny had that international appeal!? Well you’re about to get served…with a big dose of responsibly tanned reality. See, Tanny might not be hispanic, but he understands the spanish tan. Some would even say his “piel bronceada” competes with the greats from south of the border. Ricky Martin? Nice spanish tan. Enrique Iglesias? Pretty decent, but he probably should get annual check ups from his dermatologist on his facial mole. Makano? Can’t beat the music, but I can beat the tan.
Anyways, enough about old Tanny and his world renowned natural, and sun safe tan. What you really need to know, is whether you’re hispanic or not, you still need to be sun safe and protect yourself while you’re in the sun. Don’t take it from just me, see what “Señor Mangino” has to say in the video below.
The Spanish Tan & Protección del Sol
While ethnicities that have more of the pigment melanin may be better protected from the sun, it is still possible to develop skin cancer (cáncer de piel). According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, people of color can still get sunburned and develop skin cancer. The statistics for skin cancer among the hispanic population of the United States are alarming. Over the past twenty years, melanoma incidence among Hispanics has increased nearly 20 percent. If you don’t believe in protecting your skin (protección de la piel) from old Tanny, just check out the infographic below:
Statistics on Hispanic Sun Safety (protegerse del sol)
Whoa! Hispanic folks need sun safety as much as everyone else!
While it may sound cool to try to become as “bronceado” as possible, it’s more important to protect your skin and avoid cancer-causing sunburns. Tanny is no doctor, but he knows one way to prevent skin cancer is to limit your sun exposure, and protect yourself when you are outside.
Tanny also knows a little about sweat being nature’s tanning oil, if you want to read more.