Stay Responsibly Tan…Gator Fan!
GameDay Sun Safety Facts
Are the brewskie’s ice cold? Check. Do we have plenty of disgusting food to eat? Check. Got the sunscreen packed? Of course. Is Tanny, feeling extra tan!? You better believe it! While the checklist above may seen like a no-brainer for a responsibly tan human, many fans forget to think about GameDay Sun Safety. Yeah sure, you’re about to go to an awesome football game. Heck, your team might even win (unless, of course, it’s the NFL and you’re a Jacksonville Jaguars fan like old Tanny). However, no one’s a winner if you get a sunburn while you’re at the game. Sunburns lead to an increased chance of developing dangerous skin cancers, like melanoma, later in life. I’m guessing the Texas Longhorns fan in the photo below might be regretting his decision to burn the team’s logo into his skin in about a decade from now. While his dedication is unquestionable, his sanity definitely is. Whoa!

So heinous! Buy a team-affiliated shirt, and don’t get skin cancer.
GameDay Sun Safety for Fans & Athletes
So what’s a responsibly tan sports-fan supposed to do? Well, it’s quite simple actually, my safely and naturally bronzed friend. Just like any outdoor activity that requires prolonged sun exposure, you should always have the sunscreen on deck and cover up with protective clothing if you can. If it’s cold outside, covering up may be necessary anyways, but don’t forget to protect that beautiful mug of yours with some SPF 30 or higher! Athlete’s, don’t forget GameDay Sun Safety either. Be like, US Soccer Star, Landon “Big Diesel” Donovan, and make sure to apply sweat resistant sunscreen at least 30 minutes before heading outdoors. Check out the interview from the Skin Cancer Foundation between Landon Donovan and his father, a skin cancer survivor, for more tips on how to protect yourself from skin cancer. Sincerely,