Are you a Jacksonville Jaguars fan? If so, then you’re likely experiencing some symptoms of MINSHEW MANIA during the 2019 NFL season. Not only is the Jaguar’s backup quarterback the biggest story of the league so far this year, he can actually play.
So if you’re spending your nights tossing and turning, wondering if Gardner Minshew can deliver the Jacksonville Jaguars to the promised land, then this article is for you.
Below are the top 10 signs that you have contracted a case of the disease.
Top 10 Signs of Gardner MINSHEW MANIA
1. You’ve been inexplicably excited about Gardner Minshew since the preseason…even though he didn’t score a single touchdown.
2. You designed a MINSHEW MANIA shirt during the 1st quarter of the Jags game immediately after Nick Foles got hurt to show your support for the rookie QB…

3. You believe that you’re the prophet ‘Minshew-selah’ (like Methuselah from the bible) who can predict another Gardner Minshew led jaguars victory…

4. You’ve decided to rock the Uncle Rico mustache, no matter what the cost to your personal/professional life…

5. You’ve found yourself spending inordinate amounts of time cruising Twitter for the latest Gardner Minshew memes to share with your friends…

6. You’re afraid that your girlfriend or wife is going to leave you for him…

7. You’re this guy…

8. You’re pretty much the whole nation during NFL Week 2 or NFL Week 3. Check out my article on measuring Gardner Minshew’s Social Media Popularity. You can use my interactive Tableau dashboard to track MINSHEW MANIA each week.

9. You’ve seen numerous local news station stories on Minshew Mania or Minshew Madness. Really anything with alliteration.
10. You read this entire article 🙂
If you like what you’ve read, and are a true believer in MINSHEW, then buy a shirt from me by clicking here.